The flowing is free for pick up or what ever it takes for shipping
- Jerry
IBM Items Manuals
8 1/2 x 11 docs
IBM 5253 Display station Parts catalog 40 pages 1982
" " " " I/PAR code guide and C/E Log 8 pages 1983
" " " " Maintenance Info. and Analysis procedures
1983 130
IBM System/360 Disk Operating system cobol compiler and library,
ver 3, Programmers Guide 1971 265 pages
IBM system/360 system/370 fortran IV language 100's of pages 1972
IBM System/360 Fortran IV Library Subprograms 100's of pages 1968
System/360 assembly language (don stabley) 1967 Book
Programing the IBM 1130 (louden and Ledin) 1967 Book
IBM system/36 Procedures and commands IBM 1984 Book
IBM AS/400 FC 504x Problem Analysis and repair
IBM SYStem/36 Q&A Data Base 1984 8" floppy
IBM System/36 text management 1985 8" floppy x5
IBM System/36 Utilities 1983 8" floppy x2
IBM System/36 Query/36 1985 8" floppy x3
IBM System/36 RPGII 1983 8" floppy x1
IBM 3880 MIN manuals, 8" floppy and fiche
printer manual
IBM Printers models D12 and D20 . logic, parts and repair 1986
2 volumes 11 x 17
MISC Items
2 Harris main frame boards.
Digital computer controls
D-112, MSI, 12 Bit Digital computer
installation and maintenance 2 volumes with drawings
looks to be copies of originals "OK" copies
has ME-6485 written on the cover.
Mag tape Micro Data Reality SYS-GEN