On Saturday (08/13/2016 at 09:59AM -0700), Glen Slick wrote:
I sent him a private email with a binary dump of the
8355 from my SDK-85.
It shouldn't be hard to find an Intel 8755 EPROM version of the 8355
ROM version. Then you just need to find someone to program it if you
can't program it yourself. I can program 8755 parts, but postage to
Australia might not be cheap.
And I did same. So, he's potentially got two versions ;-)
I did fix mine with an 8755. The failure mode of the 8355 was
intermittent. I was able to keep it running by pressing on it and
hitting it with freeze spray. I kept it alive long enough to run a
little dump routine which sent the ROM contents out the serial port
where I captured it.
I then turned this into Intel hex and used that to program a new 8755
which replaced the 8355.
On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 4:15 AM, Chris Elmquist
<chrise at pobox.com> wrote:
> I believe I can help with this. Although I do not have a spare device, I do have
the binary as Intel hex as I had the same device fail on my SDK-85 and went through the
exercise replacing it. I'll report back off list once I dig up the file.
> Chris
> On August 13, 2016 3:07:06 AM CDT, Alexis Kotlowy <thrashbarg at
kaput.homeunix.org> wrote:
>>Hi List,
>>I've started looking at my SDK-85 after having it on the shelf for
>>years. I know the 8355 mask ROM on it isn't working but I haven't been
>>able to find a suitable replacement. I wired up a temporary solution
>>with a 2716 EPROM only to find the ROM image and source code aren't
>>available outside of dead-tree format. I'm not about ready to type out
>>48 pages of source code. Does anyone have a digital copy of the source,
>>or the assembled binary or, even better, a replacement ROM?
>>(I'm in Adelaide, Australia.)
> --
> Chris Elmquist
Chris Elmquist