On 5/28/13 11:52 PM, Andreas Holz wrote:
> Also, anyone have a digital version of PILOT (the
OS for the Xerox Star) or know where I can get a copy?
I have a lot of software, including XDE (the development environment), Interlisp, early
versions of Star and
the server "services". I imaged these long before imagedisk, so they are in dmk
I've put up a couple of versions of XDE and Star 5.0 and 5.2 on
http://bitsavers.org/bits/Xerox/8010 along with
a program that can extract files from raw floppy images.
It will take a couple of hours to propagate out to the mirrors.
I'll put the Interlisp images under 1108
There is a workaround for Star expecting there to be a time server, don't know where
it is right now. There is
also early software around that can run Services on a unix box, but I don't know where
that is off the top of my