Subject: Re: ST506 WTB:Micropolis 1325
From: "Andy Piercy" <andy.piercy at>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 00:15:50 +0100
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
Alison, thanks for the info, I'll have a go at opening one of the driver, as
currently they are only as much use as a large paper weight!
The basic problem is the head arm is stuck to the head park bumper.
One temporary fix reported was to freeze the drive rendering the bumper
Things to know:
Never move the heads on the platters if they are not rotating at speed.
Never touch platters.
Never use magnetic tools near platters (closer than 1"), that means tools
that may have remnant magnetism as well. demag them first!
You can spin the disk up (just apply power) with the cover off and watch
the head load action after bumper fix.
Once operational, the first thing I do with the drive is cover it up and
put it in a system where I back it up FIRST to another known good drive.
Just in case!!! The reason is to a know good drive is faster the copy
the less time the drive has if it's going to fail. I had one that failed
not for HDA reasons but once the HDA was working I found it would heat
up and quit (bad logic board).
One last item The RD53 and RD54 drives run hot (around 35W) and lots of
cooling was one way to insure they lasted longer. Heat is the enemy
of those older drives and it is not unusual to find a system there the
fans were dead or clogged and the drives failed..
A clean box sounda a good idea, could you provide some detaile please?
On 09/04/07, Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at> wrote:
> Andy Piercy wrote:
> > So anyway sorry to ramble, After you opened the drive, did you have any
> > problems with dust and head crashes? Do you think that it would be
> possible
> > to fabricate one of these bumpers? Do you have any pictures of this
> bumper
> > within the drive?
> You could always make a cleanbox to do the work in. It isn't difficult.
> There are plans available online, but if you have trouble finding
> them, I'd be willing to describe how I did it.
> Peace... Sridhar