Bob said:
Data Disc made a large graphics system meant to connect to mainframes
around 1972.
Data Disc goes back well into the 60's with video disk display systems.
Hazeltine is even earlier. Disks and drums were used as frame stores along
with recirculating magnetorestrictive delay lines in the days before semiconductor
shift register memories. RAM replaced the shift registers in the 70's.
But this all is getting well off the subject of raster display terminals. There
were lots and lots of people making expensive frame stores (Ramtek, Genesco, etc.)
Not so many were making things small/cheap enough to be used as terminals. Ramtek
and others (trying to remember when Chromerics started) eventually got into that
business. PCs and Workstations wiped out the graphics terminal market by the early
Was interesting to find out ISC goes back to 1973.
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