Hi all,
I have some 5 1/4 inch diskettes here marked "For Morrow MDCP-88 system".
They look like the disks that would have been shipped with a Morrow as a
standard software package. I don't know if they're readable, but they've
been stored in reasonable conditions, and look physically OK. Are these of
use to anyone? Free to anyone who will use or archive them! They're located
in Auckland, New Zealand. I don't mind posting them if postage costs are
covered. If no-one wants them I'll auction them off on trademe.co.nz.
Software includes:
MS-DOS 2.11 rev 2.1
MBasic rev 5.21
BaZic rev 3.03NewWord v1.32
Personal Pearl rev 1.09MD (2 disks)
Supercalc rev 1.12
Supercalc 2 ver 1.0
Correct-It rev 1.0