It does not make sense for the ply to come at the end. It's a total waste of
time having to re-read all the unnecessary crap many times just to get to a
one sentence reply.
-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-bounces at] On Behalf Of tony
Sent: 10 December 2015 17:07
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
<cctalk at>
Subject: RE: TOP POSTING (was: RE: Best 200 buck I have ever spent!!! Deal
of a lifetime!!!
All the email clients I have are top posting get
with the times you
I have no desire to 'get with the times' -- this is classiccmp after all.
If your mail program doesn't let you scroll to the end of a message and
typing then it is fundametnally broken. It may not be
convenient, but that
not my problem!
Like most English-speakers I read text from top to bottom. As a result it
makes sense for the reply to come _after_ the original message. And how on
earth do you reply to individual points if you top-post? Put the reply
the paragraph you are commenting on???