At 11:50 AM 7/7/05 -0700, you wrote:
On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Joe R. wrote:
Subject: Re: Computer Museum
I got this today from a from a guy that says that he's planning on
setting up a computer museum in the Orlando area. Interested parties
should contact him directly.
>> We are only in the initial planning stage, thus we need to know what
>> equipment is available. Locating, and subsequently gathering, the
> is the
longest process, so we are starting it first.
Umm, not to be cynical, but I think the first, the longest, the
most difficult task, would be securing funding in order to
continue existing.
I agree and I'm waiting to see what happens with this attempt.
Supposedly he has the backing of ITT Institute. Or it may just be another
attempt to see what some guy can get people to give him. He keeps asking
about donations and wants a list of what I have but I've told him that I'd
be willing to LOAN him computers and asked what kind of stuff he's looking
for and I haven't gotten a satisfactory reply yet. Time will tell.
Sorry, but this sounds like a personal wet dream. Those are fine,
but as they say, keep it in your pants.
Even the San Diego museum had a hard go at it, and they are pros.
A pile of stuff does not a museum make. The Maslin collection is a
good example.