On 15 Sep 2007 at 22:43, Zane H. Healy wrote:
Is there anything I need to look out for when
purchasing an EPROM
eraser? As part of my current project I'm looking to purchase one.
At one time, there was a study to see how long it took to erase an
EPROM (this was in the 27128 era) if left on a sunny windowsill with
the window open (normal window glass blocks a fair amount of short-
wave UV). IIRC, it was about 4 days.
At one time, clothes (tumble) dryers used to have a lamp called an
"ozone lamp". It had a normal medium screw base and IIRC, some made
a simple EEPROM eraser from one by installing it in a socket inside
of a large soup tin/can. It apparently worked pretty well.
In short, anything that provides *short wave* UV will work. So-
called "black lights" and tanning lamps aren't much good in that
department. But you can easily build your own, given the proper