Is anyone familiar with the IBM 6731 Diskette Module from around 1984 which
gave the IBM Electronic 85 and 95 Selectric Typewriters the ability to store
created documents to a 5.25" floppy diskette?
There was also a 5.25" diskette which was nicknamed "IPL" for
program load", and an interface board which was installed into the
typewriter and was referred to as the "IBM Typewriter Modularity Option".
I do not have any images of the IBM 6731, but I do have an image capture
from the installation and operations manual, posted
You do not need a Dropbox account to view the image. Simply click on the X
of the login pop up and it will disappear.
Unfortunately, the only copy of this product manual I ever found was on
eBay. I purchased it last month, paid USPS priority mail shipping with
tracking and the post office lost it. :/
Don Resor