It was thus said that the Great Evan Koblentz once stated:
Of course, if someone points me to an automated
blog-to-email conversion
technology that is SO simple and takes no time at all, then I'll just do it
without any premiums. Or maybe someone can write a cross-platform feed
reader for vintage computers. :)
If you have the Atom feed, then you can use something like xsltproc (and
an XSLT file) to convert the Atom feed to plain text (it would be a minimal
XSLT file---the bare minimum XSLT file will strip out all XML tags so you
need *a bit* of formatting). The trick then becomes pulling out the right
entries ... hmmm ... depending on the blog software you're using, and if
your using XHTML (or very pedantic HTML) then you could possibly use XSLT on
the entries themselves and skip processing the Atom feed.
-spc (So if say, the entries are stored in a MySQL database, just
query for the dates you require, get the entries, pass it into
xsltproc ... )