On 31 Aug 2010 at 18:25, F.J. Kraan wrote:
Does anyone have some info in the Texas Instruments
SN75413 ? I am
trying to restore the front panel controls of an early Tandy Radio
Shack hard disk (8 MByte!), but cannot find this chip info. The
reverse engineered diagram is at
http://www.xs4all.nl/~fjkraan/comp/trs80m2/driverboard.png, but as I
do not have the pin functions, I cannot connect the lamp and switch
part (this bit is missing) to the board.
There is some info on Radio Shack hard disks online, but not for this
old model. For some more context of the board see
Took me less than 30 seconds to find it on
Basically the same as the 75403 dual peripheral driver, but with a
maximum voltage rating of 55 volts.