Does anyone have an extra copy of the Mostek Z80 Microcomputer System
Micro-Reference Manual (a small 30ish page reference booklet, Mostek
publication number MK78516) that they'd be willing to part with? I'd like
to have an original, but a good scan would be the next best thing. There
doesn't appear to be a decent scan of it online. There's a common scan of
it that missing pages, poor registration, etc.
Also looking for the Zilog Z80 DMA Technical Manual (not the data sheet).
The more recent (late 80s through present) Zilog documentation is
absolutely riddled with errors. It looks like it went through several
generations of conversions between typesetting systems, getting worse at
each step.
I'm willing to pay modest prices and postage for those, and for other 70s
and early 80s Z80 family documentation from either Mostek or Zilog, in
order to produce good quality scans.