On 22 November 2012 16:58, Martin Bishop
<mjd.bishop at emeritus-solutions.com> wrote:
The following "stuff" is free to a good home
- downsizing the boneyard.
Although, if any of it is genuinely rare or valuable I may change my
The deal is the usual one : collection from Portland, Dorset, UK; first
come first served; collection prior to Xmas '12; no warranty as to
specifics or condition; reasonable questions answered in a reasonable
The highlights are:
- some small (micro) VAXes
- four 1" instrumentation recorders
- an LN03 + consumables
- an LA210 on a plinth in a large wooden box
- geriatric test instruments of marginal serviceability
- numerous old scopes requiring repair
- some (partial) EPROM programmers
"Collectors Items"
4 off SE7000 1" Instrumentation tape recorders + 2 sets of manuals +
spare channel cards
1 off LA210 (I think) printer in a wooden box
1 off HP 1652B Logic Analyser [fails BIT]
1 off HP 1600A Logic Analyser [condition unknown]
1 off HP 3561 Spectrum Analyser (audio rather than RF) [flaky]
2 off HP 1200 ? storage CRO mainframes
1 off LN03 laser printer for VAXen + supplies
3 off MDB boxes for RD54 drives (c/w caddies - no disks)
1 off microVax 3400
2 off VAX 4000-200
Fax machine - laser print very dirty (not used for several years)
HP G55 USB inkjet (not used for several years)
9 off VGA monitors
Stag Eprom Eraser - condition unknown
Stag Gang Programmer - no PC interface, might be serial
Telequipment D83 2 ch CRO 4 off [condition unknown]
Gould "3000" 2 ch CRO 2 off [condition unknown]
Gould OS250 CRO 2 off [condition unknown]
Gould 3500 Cro 1 off [condition unknown]
Gould 4050 Cro 1 off [condition unknown]
Telequipment D75 1 off [condition unknown]
Telequipment D66 1 off [condition unknown]
[Telequipment may be worth a 3 out of 6 attempt; Goulds look more suited
to breaking up; but you never know]
Philips PM3295 1 off [voltage multiplier failed and unobtainium => scrap
/ parts]
SCSI disk enclosures [condition unknown, PSU salvage ?]
"Total" Junk - job lot of unservicable PSUs etc
If you know of any 3rd parties with a serious use for this sort of kit,
suggest they contact me.
The last resort for disposition of much of this will be WEEE.
I am interested in the Microvaxes that are on your list.
I would also be interested in the the 4000/200 and the 3400 dependent
on how much you would like for them.
They only problem is cash is a bit short and I know you wanted them
moved before Christmas,