Curretly using IE4, I've got to say that MS does have some innovation left.
The problem is that it comes TOO LATE to be useful. However, seeing as how
the current version of Netscape and IE use HTML emails, and how an aditional
1 million people support it (with Hotmail), and how, when you get down to
it, it does increase functionality, it's going to be a standard. IE4 does
send it by default, but, you can change that by clicking on Format -> Plain
Text. If the e-mail that you wish to respond to's in plain text, that's
what it'll send. The problem is that if M$ supports it, the WHOLE WORLD
suddenly has to all have HTML-ized e-mail readers. It's nice if you have
it, but a pain in the A** if you don't.
Tim D. Hotze
-----Original Message-----
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Sunday, March 15, 1998 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: What's with the raw HTML?
I'm almost certain that IE4/outlook express
HTMLizes email you send from
there is a way to turn it off, but i dont remember how
one does it. i'm
staying far away from IE4 myself!
In a message dated 98-03-14 15:20:25 EST, you write:
<< That's it. MIME-enabled clients read the MIME part; MSIE4 reads the
part; MS-Outlook and Outlook Express I _think_ offer
the choice between
two. Microsoft no longer considers flat-ASCII mail to
be an important
fraction of the traffic.
Kip Crosby >>