Actually I wouldn't be suprised if both were covered. The VLC manual
because DEC/Compaq has end-of-lifed the VAX and there will be no more, and
the MSCP manual because DEC/Compaq continues to hold the patent on the
implementation and anyone attempting to use the information to build MSCP
systems would be subject to the patent restrictions anyway.
P.S. Even if you don't want to go to the trouble to scan them and/or upload
them I would be interested in making a copy for my own use. Contact me
off-list if that's possible.
At 10:19 AM 4/12/00 -0600, you wrote:
One exception
seems to be DEC/Compaq, as they apparently gave blanket
permission to reproduce documentation for out-of-production hardware.
Don't know what Compaq's current stand on this is, though ...
I'm curious about the extent of this blanket permission. I have a number of
very interesting DEC documents for out-of-production hardware. For example,
I see continuous discussion of initializing the CPU of the VAXstation 4000/VLC
over on the NetBSD port-vax mailing list. I happen to have a copy of the
technical manual for the SOC CPU, the processor used in the 4000/VLC.
Somehow, I doubt this manual is covered by the DEC blanket permission.
One document that I'm fairly certain is not covered by the blanket permission
is a copy of the MSCP specification (!) that I have tucked away in a drawer
somewhere. Is DEC still making MSCP hardware? Everything I've used
recently has been SCSI.
Roger Ivie
Not speaking for TeraGlobal Communications Corporation