A _very_ good day, actually. For $40 I picked up:
Apple IIe in pretty bad shape, but with DuoDisk & interface card,
SuperSerial card, and paddles.
ROM3 Apple IIgs with SCSI card.
TI-99 Expansion interface with 2 drives, RS-232 interface, and third-party
128K memory module, plus TI Extended BASIC, MultiPlan, Editor/Assembler,
Disk Manager II, and more.
And the TI stuff was in an old Apple box, for either a II+, IIe, or IIc, I
think. All it says besides "Apple" is: "The Personal Computer" in an
80s-purple-neon mall-shop-sign style script typeface.
Plus an Apple external 800K drive, some software, and a few other assorted
It helped that the extremely nice man at Goodwill let me in the "restricted"
area of his new shop in the GW building. Nobody else gets to go back there,
so nothing had been picked through.
Owen Robertson