On 09/05/2016 15:03, "Swift Griggs" <swiftgriggs at gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, 8 May 2016, Adrian Graham wrote:
Anyhoo, the VT101's screen is showing the
stretch-at-top-compress-at-bottom issue, is that adjustable using the
troubleshooting guide in the technical reference or am I looking at
replacing some caps?
It sounds like a problem with what they call "deflection". I don't know
about VT101's specifically, but there are usually a set of pots on the CRT
logic board (the PCB mounted on the rear of the tube) you can adjust for
such things. Check out this section of the Monitor Repair FAQ:
Depending on the type of distortion you are seeing, you'll need to adjust
the pots to compensate.
Thanks for that, I now know it's vertical deflection which is adjusted by
A102 on the monitor board so I'm just about to give it a tweak once I find
my plastic trimmers and a screwdriver small enough to get the top off, it's
the only VT1xx I have with all fasteners intact.
Also that repairfaq lost me an hour at lunchtime while I read it, why did I
not know about it before!
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