Coke (or
Jolt!) is for Assembly and C and FORTRAN. Pepsi is for
PASCAL (and other languages I don't like ;-) (Sugar vs Sugar-free is
target-language agnostic.) I suppose one could come up with a
suitable cola match for FORTH and other less-commonly-encountered
When Fry's opened their first electronics store in the Bay area, they
were the cheapest place to buy Jolt cola by the caselot. For a time,
there was some bizarre chocolate-flavored diet soda (Canfields) that
enjoyed a brief bit of popularity among the technoscenti. I
suspected that BASIC programmers drank it. I thought it was
From personal experience, Mr Pibb goes well with Perl,
C and 6502 assembly
------------------------------------ personal: --
Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * * ckaiser at
-- Haiku is easy/Sometimes it doesn't make sense/Refrigerator -- "KFI
Haikus" -