Some of the EARLY 5150 cases (mine had a white power
switch, with a black
power supply), had a knock-out for a DB25 and a small round knock-out that
we presumed was for cabling power to external drives (which would be a bad
I am sure I once saw a 5160 XT with a power output socket (4 pin) mounted
on a palte in place of that removeable blanking plate above the keyboard
connecotr. It looked like an official IBM product, not a homebrew. But it
wasn't my machine so I couldn't pull the cover to investigate.
idea with a 63.5 W power supply). They also had an
additional drive
mounting screw up from the bottom. Eventually IBM realized that that
wasn't such a good idea - prob'ly after a few got tightened enough to warp
drive castings?
I've seen PC/XT machines with a drive mounting screw going up from underneath
I doubt very much if you'd distort a Tandon TM100 drive chassis casting
with that screw. More likely it was a right pain to fit said screw....