Roger Merchberger wrote:
Rumor has it that Brian L. Stuart may have mentioned
these words:
I may hit an auto-parts store tomorrow anyway and see
what I can scare
up; but having ready access to several CPUs (2 each 80486SX's & a P75
Overdrive on a quick search) I figured that a 5V CPU would be a good way
to dissipate power from a 5V source, and the 486 would prolly have the
highest current draw of any easily available 5V processor.
I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that a CPU connected to a power supply
would not draw all that much power if there wasn't a clock signal to
really cause it to heat up. I'm just talking off-the-cuff here, but I
believe you'd have essentially a resistor attached to your power supply.
I'm not eletrical engineer, so take that with a grain of salt but I'm
using the emperical view of heat generation vs clock speed.