Quoting Jeff Walther <trag at io.com>:
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 13:07:58 -0700
From: Ben <bfranchuk at jetnet.ab.ca>
> Chuck Guzis wrote:
>> Soldering now is far safer than it used to be. I can still recall
>> the glorious sensation of picking up an American Beauty 100W
>> soldering iron by the wrong end.
Yeah I managed to do that once too, it f****n hurt ! At least I had
the presense of mind to pick the damn thing up off the floor and put
it on it's stand before going to run my hand under the tap. Don't
think my parents would have been too happy if I had set fire to the
house :(
My excuse was I was only about 13-14 at the time.....
I suppose that we should be thankful that we don't
use an
oxyacetylene torch for PCB work...
I guess that is why BYTE[1] went from a hardware magazine
to software.
Some of the best advice I got in college was from an EE professor who told
us, "If you drop your soldering iron, don't try to catch it on the way
down. Just let it go."
My wife has always said the same about knives, especially considdering
she works in a biological lab where they have some prety sharp stuff.
Mind she also says that it's beter to have a sharp knife than a dull
one, as you tend to have to apply less pressure and therefore are less
likley to slip and cut yourself, and if you do it's a clean cut so
will heal / re-atatch easier :)
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