Does anyone have an HP262x (2621, 2623, etc) terminal (with a DA15
keyboard connector) and a voltmeter to hand?
If so, could you please open up the keyboard (4 screws on the bottom),
plug the keyboard into the terminal, power up, and measure the voltage
either between ;
Pin 16 (+ve) and pin 8 (-ve) of any of the 3 chips in the keyboard
Across the electrolytic capacitor on the keyboard PCB to the left of the
'Tab' key'
Alternatively, measure the voltage between pins 12 (+ve) and 10 (-ve) of
the DA15 socket on the terminal (temrinal powered up, it doesn't matter
whether the keyboard is plugged in or not)
All 3 should be the same voltage. I am guessing it's 12V, but it might be
Tnakis in advance for any help.