Hi Tony, if you search for an amateur radio RTTY program then it will suppo=
Yes, I relaise that. I have the RSGB 'Teleprinter handbook' alongside me...
rt this encoding. I dont recall any of the names
offhand but there will be=
several available as open source.
That's basically what I am asking, if anyone _does_ remember the names or
knows URLs to download from, etc. I suspect searchin the web would
actually take longer than writing what I need from scratch, you see...
I wrote my own RTTY and CW receive/transmit programs
many years ago under D=
OS. The progs ran on my PCjr. I used an XR2211 for the tone detection, an=
d I dont recall what for the transmit portion. I think I used the machines=
primitive audio generation facilities to generate the two necessary tones.=
I though the PCjr had rather better sound than true PC-clones. Didn't it
have that 3-voice TI sound chip on the mainboard?
In any case, what I need are RS232 (or TTL, I can covnert) level digital
signals. Not tones, not an audio input.
Very annoyingly I have a reasonable RS232 tester. It covers what they
call 'Baudot' (of coruse it's ITA2), but it only goes down to 75 baud. I
must sometime figure out what the slowest it could run at is (it uses a
Z8530 comms chip, I can't rememebr what it's clocked at) and if it can do
50 baud, conisder reprogramming the firmware.