Disclaimer: This is not a ten-year-old topic and you are free to ignore the
message as you see fit. I write, however, in full confidence that someone
reading this can answer the question.
My primary computer has a Toshiba 3401 (couple-years-old) caddy-type SCSI
CD drive in it. This is from back when they were expensive and built like
tanks. It is now generally choking on software CD's and skipping horribly
on audio CD's. My Wintel guru says that it is literally not worth trying
to clean the thing, that the cost of a cleaning will exceed the cost of a
new 8X or 10X SCSI CD drive, and the bother of going inside the case,
removing, and re-installing will be the same. I hate to pitch this drive,
it's worked so well; is there anything non-invasive I can try before I give
up on it?
thanks much,
Kip Crosby engine(a)chac.org
Computer History Association of California