That's pretty neat - a bit low on the
capacity side, but it's cool to
watch it log SCSI activity.
Obviously a redesign of the storage-end of it wouldn't be a big deal.
Could go FLASH, could go SDRAM. Could even do what some 3rd-party DEC
drive emulators did - copy non-volatile to RAM at boot time, then RAM
back to non-volatile when powering down.
Very interesting device, I think that can be used as a base for a
SD-based device (and why not, multivolume/multicard SD device...I wonder
what is the problem with having 4 or 8 SD cards togheter as one big SCSI
volume. With cheap 8GB and 16GB cards, you could have 64/128GB SCSI
subsystems being used even as backup devices - each card could be
auto-identified and loaded in the correct order
There are lots of possibilities with this link! ;oD