Pete Turnbull wrote:
On Nov 22 2005, 12:45, Jules Richardson wrote:
Pete Turnbull wrote:
Hmm, well apparently the way to get around not
knowing the password
is to set
up a fileserver on another disk (which may be a
floppy) using the
setup floppy
- that way you end up with a bootable fileserver
where you know the
Well, that's fine for a Filestore. I'm not sure it'll work for a Level
3 Fileserver, because that expects to just use a winchester. I'm
willing to be proven wrong, however.
Hmm, I'll have to give it a go - I think that advice came with the caveat that
nobody had actually tried it, actually :)
Perhaps I got the "which may be a floppy" bit wrong and it has to be another
hard disk onto which the server's set up (with the disk that the passwords
aren't known for used as a second drive). From memory Acorn did acknowledge
that you might want two hard drives connected to the Adaptec board...
It didn't
seem like the level-3 disks were out there on the 'net in
any suitable form though.
Didn't I give you one last time you were here?
Nope, I only got this hard disk with the fileserver software on a couple of
weeks before I left for the US as I recall...
I'm not
sure what the best way of getting them to me is. I suppose
having them
on 5.25" is easier than 3.5", although
I do have one beeb somewhere
with a
3.5" drive attached. Maybe a zip of the
contents is the best plan,
then I can
drop them on the PC and use Xfer to get them
across onto a beeb and
whatever media makes most sense.
That won't work. Those disks are 3.5" disks for a Filestore, in
Filestore format. How are you going to write Filestore format from a
zip archive?
Oops, misunderstood then. I was thinking the utils floppy was ADFS format not
filestore format...
Hard to date
it then. The only thing that springs to mind is that
They are Vero cases. Not particularly cheap. No, the software
protocol didn't change.
Hmm, maybe what I have are docs from the days before Econet was even finalised
then! They were certainly early, printed on fanfold paper, and from within
Acorn's offices.