Hi Jim, Donna and all,
At 05:38 PM 12/18/99 -0800, you wrote:
Can anyone help this lady with some information on this
I found this
old computer in a thrift store and was wondering if
you have any info re: "National Radio Institute Model 832 Digital
Computer". It measures 22 1/4" wide and 15"deep and appears to
look about circa 1970s. It has no ports at all any an electrical
plug. There are 128 switches under a broad category marked
"Computer Memory", all numbered switches 1-9, and A-F.. The
switches work and the lights work. There is even an Accumulator
category, a 7 switch "Register" set, Display/Speed/Clock switches
and more. Can you give any information as to what this is.
Donna Fuller
It was a Transistor transistor logic (about 52 ic's)
training computer,
designed about 1971 and used in their course in computer electronics. The
switches were used as the "read only/program" memory, 16 bytes.