What is a "consumer unit", Rob?
I was going to ask that too. Metering stuff? Or what we in North
America call the breaker panel, perhaps? A distribution panel of some
YEs, the breaker panel.
sort, as the fuse/breaker arrangement is different in
the UK than NA?
I've never been clear on all the in-house mains arrangements/
requirements in the UK.
OK. Tere are all sorts of possible wiring schemes over here, but most of
the time :
Lighting is wired on 5A or 6A fused circuits. Typically each floor of a
house has its own lighting circuit, soemthins it's splt up more than
Power circutis are what are called 'ring mains'. This is an electrical
loop of wire, startign and ending at the consumer unit, and fused at 30A
or 32A. There is a maximum rea that can be covered by a single ring main,
but no limit on the numebr oif socket outlets that can be wired too it.
These are ratesdd at 13A, and the plugs ahve their own internal
cartridgefsues (avaiable from 2A to 13A, only 3A and 13A are common).
Electronic devices often have their onw internal fuses too, of coruse.
Cookers, water heaters, shwoer heaters, etc normally have their own
dedicated circuits fused at 30A, 32A, 45A or even 60A. It is rare for
these devices ot be plugged in, it is possible (using what I know of as
BS4343 connectors, often known as 'Commando plugs' after the most common
brand name) ro so ao.