At 06:58 AM 9/27/02 -0400, you wrote:
I agree...I've definitely cut back on collecting
this year (not getting
a paycheck made that decision easy)'s so hard to window shop! But
what amazes me is that some systems have not come down in price and in
some cases set records (e.g. Apple Lisa 1, Altairs, SOL-20s, Apple I
etc.)...I am amazed that some people can drop that much cash in this
It just goes to show that while most people are getting poorer there are still plenty
of people around that have money to burn.
I also observed that the supply has not gone up...I would expect more
systems on the market as people would sell their "luxuries" to raise
cash. I just haven't seen it. Any one agree?
True. The people that have spent serious money on collecting aren't hurting so
they're not selling. It really seems to support the saying that the rich get richer
and the poor get poorer.