Not?!? I suspect that selling something nice and clean
and - most important
- without the remark "untested and sold as is" will bring way more. It's
easy to test the plotter. On eBay "untested" usually is an euphemism for
tried to get it working but it didn't work. But I won't tell you that. Just
know that I guarantee for nothing".
Patrick is right - serious cleaning is mostly not worth the effort.
The most cleaning I ever do mostly involves wet paper towels and a dry
paint brushes. Serious bidders will see thru the dirt that remains.
BTW it's the same with Teletype ASR33 and 35. In
fact it's not always easy
to get rid of those if they're not in pristine condition.
Oh, and I found my new in box ASR-33 today. Any takers?