See a reply from Tore below regarding the video link he provided recently. You need VLC
(available here: ) or other compatible software to view the video
(and audio).
The current version 0.9.9 for Windows works pretty well (I love setting the speed to 1.9x
for chipmunk speech!), though there is a slight bug with the time display on Windows 2K
SP4 (it displays total time correctly, but time played/left is invalid!)
Andrew B
aliensrcooluk at
--- On Mon, 11/5/09, Tore Sinding Bekkedal <toresbe at> wrote:
From: Tore Sinding Bekkedal <toresbe at>
Subject: Re: Classic A/V equipment
To: aliensrcooluk at
Date: Monday, 11 May, 2009, 3:01 PM
Andrew Burton wrote:
* off-list reply *
Actually, unless you have fixed it, there is no video in the file:
I tried viewing it with Windows Media Player and RealPlayer but
only get
audio. I know atleast one other list member also has the same problem
as me.
Has the codec been set up correctly?? Have you
actually seen the video,
and if you have what did you use?
I suggest a more sane media player - VLC, for
-Tore :)