Jim wrote....
There is a curmudgeon-y vibe to most old computer
restorers; they make
things available online, but get mad when people leech the entire site. I
don't understand that mentality, because doing so ensures another offline
backup. Saying that people should only take one or two things as needed
doesn't help when the site suddenly goes away due to illness or death,
especially if it was the only repository for certain things.
That is patently RUDE and the epitome of inconsiderate.
Perhaps some DOLT leeching the entire site causes them to be shut down by
their provider due to bandwidth. Perhaps some selfabsorbed arrogant
miscreant sucking down the entire site, costs this guy a sudden $200 bill
that he wasn't expecting due to bandwidth. How RUDE not to respect the site
owners wishes.
Let me give you a good analogy. Lets say I have a desk in the basement
that's an antique. I want to give it to a good home. So I put it out in the
front lawn saying "Free to a good home".
You then take the desk. And all my lawn furniture. And the garden lights
from the planters. Your argument is "oh, you put
it all outside your house
so of course I can take it all".
When someone puts up files and "gets mad because you take too many"... you
are basically forgetting you are a guest in their virtual home. Someone
offers you a piece of pie and you take the whole thing. Attitudes like that
are why SOME people don't PUT files online.
The key here is permission. If you ask the owner and get permission to get
backup..you argue your case and he agrees - fantastic. But if he doesn't
agree for any reason at all - you do not have the "right" to take everything
you want because you feel you need a copy of it.
Sorry, touched a nerve.