Hello computer friends - all of us down in VCF Midwest Planning
Bunker have decided: VCFMW16 planning must commence! To not do so
would surely set up for failure, if and when conditions continue their
current upward trend and we get the OK to gather again in unlimited
So...we're going to have a show!
Our schedule this year will be the same weekend as in 2019, with the
dates this year falling on the 11th and 12th of September. Same
location as well, at Waterford Banquets (and Clarion Inn), Elmhurst,
See our full announcement here:
http://vcfmw.org/announce. And fill
out the linked survey if you'd like.
Still much to do - room block reservation, improved table layout
planning, speaker recruitment....and that dang T-shirt. We hope
everyone who is able to travel in September will consider paying us a
More news to come - check our newly re-themed website for updates as
they occur!