Another thing about autorouters,
Unless the eda tool lets you enter constraints, it's not going be to of
significant value. KiCad doesn't have the greatest autorouter. But then
you wouldn't find a decent one unless you get a professional eda tool
(which lets you enter constraints). Even though a processor such as the
6502 isn't high speed(concerning crosstalk,etc) you still don't want to
get the spaghetti out of an autorouter--which most of these low end eda
tools provide. For such a small board your better off to manually route
the board--where you route the address/data bus cleanly across the
board, and control signals and clocks are not intermingled with them.
[ vintage electrons are just as good ]
[ ]
Richard A. Cini wrote:
I?m working on a 6502 project and I have a PC board CAD recommendation
question. I tried out the software that comes with ExpressPCB and it?s kind
of bogus. There?s no autorouter, which is exactly what I need (even if it?s
a basic router).
Does anyone have any recommendations for a reasonably priced schematics
capture and layout program for either Windows or Mac OSX that can autoroute
do boards up to say 6? x 8?? When I say reasonable, I?m thinking $250 or
Rich Cini
Collector of Classic Computers
Build Master and lead engineer, Altair32 Emulator