On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
Hardly, not in 2K. Still an interesting exercise, I
The "official" NES memory map provided for up to 16KB of expansion RAM
and many later, larger games came with at least 8K on board their
cartridges Given that there were several 6502 LISPs (including a
subset of InterLISP for Atari 400/800 and a truly compact system for
the Acorn BBC Micro that clocked in 5.5 KB of ROM data for the
interpreter plus 3 KB of .RAM data with the function definitions), I
suspect that an NES implementation would be doable, given a fully
loaded flashcart with a full compliment of expansion RAM, though the
total user memory would be limited to 18 KB minus whatever space is
needed for the function definitions...