On Apr 29, 2017, at 12:53, Chuck Guzis via cctech
<cctech at classiccmp.org> wrote:
On 04/29/2017 10:28 AM, Michael Thompson via
cctech wrote:
The RICM just received $1,000 to buy a new oscilloscope. I would like
a four channel. and color would also be nice. The bandwidth doesn't
need to be high because we usually work on ancient equipment.
The Rigol scopes have the features that you're looking for in your price
range. Dave on the YT EEVBlog has spent some time on them.
There have been some notable software bugs, but Rigol seems to be pretty
diligent in eradicating them.
I have a Rigol DSO and absolutely love it. Bought it from Saelig - they offer a nice
discount to members of the EEVBLOG forum. I have seen a couple of updates since I bought
it. Look for a sale where you can get some of the add-ons thrown in at no additional