I have, and plan on using one, several Omega D-II enlargers. I wish I
still had my diffusion one.
A friend of mine does estate sales, and he has some darkroom equipment
coming up.
Anyone know a good source for hard rubber trays or a good replacement?
Thanks, Paul
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Zane H. Healy <healyzh at aracnet.com> wrote:
On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 08/25/2011 04:40 PM, Andrew Burton wrote:
erm.. with (amateur) photography going digital, how would we get
from negatives?
?There are millions of photographic enlargers out there. ?They didn't all
just disappear, you know. ;)
?Or those negatives can easily be scanned, and then printed on a dye-sub
Personally my computer lab was recently taken apart in order to make room
for my Darkroom. ?I have two enlargers, one is for up to 120 roll film, the
second handles up to 4x5" negatives. ?Both of mine are quiet old, but you
can still purchase new enlargers. ?For that matter, you can still purchase
new film cameras. ?In the last year, I've shifted back to mainly shooting
I can also scan 35mm through 4x5" negatives (I can shoot up to 8x10"), but
when doing B&W I prefer to print on traditional B&W paper. ?For colour, I'll
take the digital files to Costco, or some other place that can do prints (I
will typically get traditional prints when I first have the film developed).