On 24/1/07 12:45, "Jules Richardson"
<julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Of course it could take another route and
board/module/system swapping
will be done in the field, with repairs then
carried out at base
before re-issue, but I certainly don't think manufacturers
will be as
inclined to build such wasteful systems in a
couple of
decades' time.
This is exactly what we do at work, the quick swap to get the
customer back up and running again then repair if possible
back in the workshop. We still carry stocks of components and
have the skills so why not use them?
Same here, the customer gets a replacement system usually within the day and
the faulty system is brought back for repair at our leisure and re-issued,
after thorough testing, as a replacement unit for a future breakdown.
Dave ;)