it might be a misnomer to designate the NEC APC as the
only DOS computer to have built in 8" disk drives -
although probably true - since others had external
disks as standard options. I've just obtained one,
along with external 5 1/4" drives to boot (no pun
intended). As a matter of fact, I want to figure out
just how to get it to boot off the 5.25's. Were there
cards for an IBM PC or 100% compatible that interfaced
to an external 8" floppy drive?
The Xerox had 8" drives as options I've learned, but
mine only has a built in 5 1/4. Actually, the
expansion unit, which looks like the "cpu" has the
drive, and a seemingly flakey hard drive. The O/S and
development disks imaged fine, but other junk,
Wordstar etc., didn't :(. I have a job on my hands
figuring out how I'm going to hopefully archive the
APC disks - 10 boxes of them - which is why I'd like
to boot the thing off the 5 1/4's. Any suggestions?
Anyone with software for these 2 beasts?
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