On Sun, 16 Jun 2013, Josh Dersch wrote:
On 6/16/2013 12:47 PM, Cory Smelosky wrote:
On 16 Jun 2013, at 15:42, "Josh Dersch"
<derschjo at gmail.com> wrote:
A more useful statistic might be "on topic
posts." You managed to write a
whopping 15 posts (out of 100) between 6/1 and 6/15 that could be
considered "on topic" for this list (and I'm being generous.)
Is the point becoming more clear now, or shall I be more blunt?
To be fair, ?off-topic? seems on-topic here with the list being ?General
Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts?.
"The general discussion list is appropriate for discussion of the following
* classic computer hardware, software, and documentation. We define
"classic" as "at least ten years old, plus or minus cool factor";
* computing in general ten or more years ago; and,
* fringe topics relevant to the pursuit of the hobby, such as
electronics, moving heavy equipment, and cleaning techniques.
Overly offensive or junk posts are not welcome. Please read the FAQ
<http://www.classiccmp.org/faq.html> before posting."
"Offensive" is highly relative. What offends me may very well not offend
certain others, and what others don't see as offensive may well offend me.
Given that, I suspect what offends me may differ greatly from what offends
Dave McGuire or Mike Stein, or even yourself.
For that fact, I think many of us were active here long before the
"offensive posts" bit was added to the mailman listinfo during one of the
past server migrations. A quick grep of the archives shows your first post
the list as 24 Apr 2006, so you've been here long enough to know that.