I was told the
11/785 was done in DEC Europe as a mid life kicker for
the 11/780 when the Venus 11/790 -- er 11/860 -- er 8600 was VERY LATE
getting built.
My understanding was that the 11/785 was DEC's official implementation
of what George and crew cobbled together as the 11/782. It only saw
the light of day because, as you say, there was a gap in DEC's product
line with the delays in the 8600 and customers wanted more than what was
presently out there.
Nah.. the multiport master slave was the 11/782. I installed one
official one at RCA's Semiconductor ops in Somerset, NJ.
I was told there was an 11/785 version called the 11/787.
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller