Hi Tony,
It is the original version with the knobs at the bottom.
Now, that TV chassis was, as I mentioend, 115V only. To
use it in 230V
countries, there was a mains tranformer fitted inside the monitor. THis
is an _isolating_ transofrmer, so the thign is no logner live-chassis.
Ah ha, I saw the step down there but I didn't realise it was also an
isolating transformer. That has answered a question I had about a "hot
With the result that hte video input no longer neeeds
an optoisolator.
The PCB in palce of the IFs stirp, etc, is just a simple transisotr video
Ok. Thanks. I don't know what an optoisolator and IF strip means. As I
said, I need to read up about the mode of operations of these things. This
would explain why the 110V schematic doesn't show exactly what is going on
in my monitor...even the AC circuit seems a little different. I'll take
some pictures to illustrate. At the moment I have verified that the step
down transformer is working ok so 110V is indeed getting to the board.
It's then that the circuit diagram seems to diverge from what I've got in
some ways.
I appreciate the help. This project has to stop-start as I've got a few
committments in my life right now, but I'll pick it up and try and make
progress where I can.
Terry (Tez)