Keep in mind that the drive has an internal selector
for drive number.
Something tells me that a competition between two drives would not be a
pretty thing.
On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Marc Howard <cramcram at> wrote:
I would definitely replace the foam around the
squarish tube that
air to the pack. That's the worst place for a foam particle to break
On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 10:59 AM, tony duell <ard at>
I am also wondering, that since I have very few PDP8-sectored RK05
packs, and a
ton of PDP-11 sectored
> packs, if , when I first power up the drive after it has been
up to the RK8E , I can put one of my PDP 11 >
packs in there and spin
up, if the controller will be able to load the heads? I'd much
sacrifice one of
these packs if there are problems rather than
risk one of my precious
PDP-8 sectored packs.
An RK05 will spin up and load the heads without a controller. It is a
good idea to have a terminator
fitted (otherwise noise on the interface lines can do interesting
like cause write glitches, don't ask
how I found that out).
It does need a pack with the slotted hub so that the drive electronics
tell the drive is up to speed before
it tries to load the heads. But obviously a 12 sector (PDP11) pack will
for that.
So yes, you can use a PDP11 type of pack to see if the heads will fly
though the drive is on an RK8/E
Ian S. King, MSIS, MSCS
Ph.D. Candidate
The Information School
University of Washington
An optimist sees a glass half full. A pessimist sees it half empty. An
engineer sees it twice as large as it needs to be.