In high school, I had enough of a junk box to build
most of the Elf with
scrounged parts (I did screw up and stick in some 4001's instead of the
4011's the first time I assembled the Elf. It didn't work so well ;-)
By time the elf was new the junk box was going on maybe 15years old and
I'd been in engineering for a while and it kept growing... ;)
Some here would find my junkbox(more like about 10-12 xerox paper boxes)
a major dig site for history in themselves! I also have spares
(catagorized and all in bins) that are quite old like the odd 1101 (from
when I first worked with them in 72!) or TIMX10 one of the first cheap
germainium 1GHz transistors. Products post 1985ish are rather thin
though. It's why I design more with TTL... I have a few coffee cans full
of it!!