IIRC, AIX wouldn't run on them. I'm pretty sure they were CHRP boxes.
Does AIX run on CHRP boxes? For that matter I'm not sure, but they were
probably about the only CHRP boxes that were built. Though I'm not
particularly up on non-Mac PPC boxes. I do seem to remember hearing about
boxes that Motorola sold that ran the PPC version of Windows NT.
Yepper, Zane. In fact, I have one of 'em. Haven't plugged it in to see
what's up, but I have one. Actually came in a skid of computers
from a Mo auction after they closed down a facility.
Fairly plain
beige box with batwings on it.
BTW, and completely OT, but I finally have the Mac/Paris rig up
and running with THREE 1710AV monitors, and it's a thing of
beauty. I also am installing a separate but complementary app on
my 8500 that will use two monitors, both 14" Trini's, for a total of 5
plus the one on the wintel box.
Paul Braun WD9GCO
Cygnus Productions