On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Ernest wrote:
I was talking to someone earlier today about how many
Altair 8800
systems have survived up to the present, and obviously all that we
could do is make a guess. Does anyone know? Also, has anyone thought
about creating a web site for users to add system that they have to it
for tracking purposes. For instance, if you have an Altair, you go to
the site and add your system to the list of Altair owners. It might
list the serial numbers, model, owner, etc. This idea could be used
for many old rare systems. Basically, a registry of owners and their
systems. You obviously wouldn't need to include something like the
Commodore 64 or Apple IIe but at least the more early computers, like
the Apple I for instance. That way, once a system is listed,
collectors can somewhat keep track of them informally. How many Apple
1 or PDP-8 systems are left?
There used to be an Altair registry website up but it wasn't used all that
much (only a dozen or so machines were registered) and it's gone now.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger