A couple other related questions and a comments. I made a Apple III+
system diagnostics disk and that ran fine too. So it seems like the floppy
drive is Ok, and all of the tests passed except the RAM test, so that's the
big issue. The RAM test disk seems to help narrow down where the bad chip
may be, so I might have a chance to find it without trial and error.
It looks like there are two different RAM chips on the ON THREE board (as
Alexandre mentioned) TMS4164-15NL and D41256C-15. It turns out I have an
extra AST SprintDisk for my Apple IIe with a few D41256C-15 chips. If I'm
lucky enough that one or more of those is the culprit, I may be covered,
otherwise I'll need to source a few chips.
If you look at the end of the ON THREE board in the second pic
there is a white header connector on the ON THREE board that connects to
the male header on the Apple III motherboard. The ON THREE manual
indicates that a gentle rocking should loosen the connector. It is a
strange looking connector. The pins appear to come through from below and
bend at 90 degrees. I've applied quite a bit of force and they are not
breaking free. I'm afraid to pull too hard. Any pointers on how these
connectors work so I can avoid damage?