In the UK, the somewhat perjorative term 'stamp
collector' is used to
describe somebody who just wants to amass a certain type of object (such
as HP calculators) without ever using them, or understanding them, or...
I think I have an interesting history about that...
I knew a guy who had some of the most rare and most expensive MSX
computers on earth. He had thousands of dollars in MSX stuff and never used
anything. Now he is selling everything for profit.
But me...I have some 15 MSX computers. I don't use all of them, most of
them are fully functional units as "reserves" since I do lots of hardware
hacking and it is nice to have (cheap) spares for hacking. Most of my
playing can be seen at (sorry, all in portuguese,
but nice photos anyway :oD).
Sometimes is good to have many of a unit. But to show it up on shelf is
not kosher :o(