On Tuesday 07 May 2002 15:26, you wrote:
Keep in mind that a proportion of the folks getting
their sheepskins can't
read them. Look at the jocks, and they're not alone ...
Well, 40 Years of creeping Cultural Marxism is doing its work
those of us out of school before "PC" and multiculturalism
and other such crap from the bloodstained left, well
at least we wont have much to compete with in the job
market even when we need wheel chairs with hanging
IV drips at work.
I cant see how a strong economy can operate on
indoctrinated leftist moonies however.
It dont bother me at all to say that Richard is dead
on target about the "quality" of the product of
our "liberal" ( word twisting, they are Marxocrats
not Liberals) dominated schools and culture.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
The Decay Of Education In The West
Charlotte Thomsom Iserbyt, Senior Policy Advisor for the U.S.
Department of Education during the Regan administration
gained access to confidential documents regarding the
taxpayer-funded restructuring of American education -
from academics to value change and global workforce
The Dumbing Down of America's Colleges, Phyllis Schlafly Report
Book of the Month The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Thomson
The "Dumbing Down" of America
Deliberately Dumbing Us Down By Sam Blumenfeld
The Boomer Essays The Dumbing Down of America Continues
The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America By Samuel L. Blumenfeld
Dumbing DOWN America By Andrew Murr
The Dumbing Down of America
Social critics see signs of fresh evidence. New York recently
found that more than half of fourth graders flunked standard
English. In Massachusetts, 43 percent of teachers failed
performance tests. Among Americans under 30, nearly
half get their political news from late-night talk shows.